****Credits to www.symbianize.com (inspirational quotes thread)*** I have read this post and if I'm not mistaken, these are psychologist's point of view.. I thought of posting this so as to inspire you guys who are in relationships or just got off from a relationship. Sorry I'm bleeding. Enjoy reading....
1. I have realized that in any relationship, you've got to show your feelings; love for
one another.
2. I've learnt that when your partner is in an agitated mood, just keep quiet, be cool
and respond later.
3. I've observed that people who normally come on strong, are the ones with fewer
successful relationships.
4. I've learnt that every woman likes to have her own home, since it is where she is
in Charge. She can do it up her own way to satisfy her creative instincts.
5. I've learnt that it is importa nt for good-looking women to differentiate between a
Genuine and a flattering compliment.
6. I've learnt that everybody likes to be asked their opinion.
7. I've learnt that when you love a woman, you must meet her as often as possible.
8. I've learnt that no one respects you unless you respect yourself.
9. I've learnt that a man who believes he knows all is the biggest fool around.
10. I feel apprehensive of women who benchmark me against their father or husband.
11. Love is letting your beloved be what she is rather tha n what you'd like her to be.
12. I've realized that you must have, amongst your best friends, someone you've
grown up with.
13. I've learnt that a married woman who knows you find her attractive, needs to be
told just that to put her at ease.
14. I've realized that you might not always marry the person you love. True love, is
being there, willing to help, without expecting something in return.
15. I've realized that perfectionists tend to be more critical and judgmental of others.
16. Having married a woman, it's better n ot to worry about her past as long both of
you are enjoying post -marital bliss.
17. I've learnt that one way of disarming a person is to say 'Help me understand'.
18. I've learnt that a partner must help you leverage your strengths and overcome your
19. While dealing with people there would be some who criticize you, genuinely or to
protect their own interests. Believe in yourself, internalize the criticism, change as
much as you are happy with. Always stand up for what you believe in or else you
would lose self-esteem. Do not try and change yourself beyond a point, otherwise
you would be unhappy always trying to project yourself as something you are not.
20. I've learnt that hassi mazaak mein I can communicate much more than with a
straight face.
21. Remember to be on good terms with head -hunters. Maloom nahin when you
might need a job.
22. I've seen that by being the helpful type, most people reciprocate when asked for
23. I've seen that neighbors keenly observe your change in status and their perception
of you changes accordingly.
24. Most of us have at some point wooed and courted. I do not reciprocate another’s
feelings, when I am not interested. In other words, I've learnt not to lead others up
the garden path. After all, would I like someone to do the same to me?
25. I've seen men who get attracted to women elder to them, are mostly, very attached
to their mothers. Probably, the woman protects her man and nurtures the child in
him just like a mother would.
26. I've learnt that to love and be loved, is the greatest j oy in the world.
27. I've learnt that happier are those who forgive and forget.
28. When your wife has been, for years, used to having you back from work at 9 p.m.
and suddenly start coming at 7 p.m. both of you need to learn to spend the extra
time usefully or else you could end up fighting.
29. I've learnt that love is a two -way street.
30. I've learnt that love is all about sharing and caring.
31. I've learnt that women are emotionally stronger than men.
32. I've realized that while wooing a woman there is no such thing a s a fool-proof
strategy. The best of plans may go awry. My advice is just play it by ear; be
sensitive and sharp.
33. I've learnt that to win over a good -looking woman, you must compliment her on
her intelligence and be persevering.
34. I've learnt that a friend is one with whom you can chat without feeling
apprehensive of being judged.
35. I've realized that excessive wooing could boomerang. Sometimes it pays to
momentarily ignore your sweetheart. If she likes you, the phone will ring.
36. The men who love from a dist ance get left behind.
37. I've learnt that one learns more by listening than by talking.
38. I've learnt that it pays more to be assertive than aggressive.
39. I've observed that in a joint family, immature is the wife who compares herself
with her unmarried sister-in-law. There will always be a different set of rules for
the daughter and the daughter -in-law.
40. I've learnt that you must know when to put the phone down.
41. I've learnt that insecurity breeds jealousy.
42. While studying for your exams, some college or build ing friends might try to
demoralize you by talking about how hard they study or questioning you on
subjects you do not know. I've learnt to spot such friends and isolate them. My
advice is; go by your schedule, look at the number of quality hours spent stu dying
and not the number of hours.
43. I've realized that sharing your vulnerability with your sweetheart helps cement the
44. I've realized that inspite of what ever you might do, every woman wants to hear
those golden words - I Love You -.
45. I've realized that an attractive woman knows exactly what's going on in a man's
46. I've learnt that a victory won by humiliation leaves scars of resentment. It is
smarter to strategically win over the weak.
47. I've realized that if you want to marry woman who has not made up her mind or is
just too pre-occupied with her own plans, don’t pop the all -important question but
handle her gently, be there for her and may be she’ll be yours.
48. I've realized that getting emotional in an argument makes one behave irratio nally
and lose sight of the big picture.
49. I've realized that some Veejays perpetually crave for attention, apprehensive that
their popularity might decline if people don't notice them.
50. I've realized that two individuals, even after the fiercest of fights can continue to
be friends for life.
51. I've realized, that on meeting a TV personality of my dreams, I could act fresh,
trip and perhaps even fall if I didn’t hold myself together.
52. I've learnt that people who are not good listeners get isolated, come on st rong and
believe that they are the best.
53. I've learnt that every person must believe in himself but at the same time be
willing to accept criticism, internalize it and change himself accordingly.
54. I've learnt that marrying a Siamese twin can make life bori ng, but marrying a 50
% opposite could add value and make life interesting.
55. I've learnt that Arien women enjoy the company of men who will take charge of
their lives, but get married to men whose lives they can take charge of.
56. I've learnt that eight out ten women reject guys who fall head over heels in love
with them and express their feelings too soon.
57. I've found Arien women clinging to the phone when they are feeling low, wanting
to be heard but being crisp and to the point when they are on a high.
58. I've learnt that most women like their men to be gutsy.
59. I've seen many attractive women use their charm to get a guy let his guard down.
My advice is be careful, try getting into a give and take situation.
60. I've learnt that women like their partners to be g ood listeners.
61. I've learnt that disagreement or anger can be better communicated through tone of
voice or silence than by raising one’s voice.
62. I've learnt that human behavior during childhood and old age is similar.
63. Marriage is all about companionship, sharing, giving your partner space and being
there for one another.
64. Husbands and wives have to continuously work on their relationship, add value,
juice and spice to it.
65. I would tend to ignore women who want to date me on the phone and not for
66. Couples who do not take each other for granted, respect each other's views, agree
to disagree are likely to have a happy married life.
67. Be in touch with your friends during your ups and downs. It will help build lasting
68. Some friends might no t talk to me for months, yet I know they will be the first to
help me get out of a problem. Isn't that what friendship is all about?
69. Trusting one another is only the first step in a lasting relationship.
70. Most women are busy assessing the guy on the first date and may probably talk
about themselves on the second or third one.
71. Always remember to return favors. You will have more people wanting to oblige
72. Having got married, many of my friends continue to meet attractive women.
While they cannot marry all of them, they can enjoy their company, become
friends, be there for them and may be lots more.
73. While selecting your life partner, you have to go by your gut feel, rather than
being logical and rational about it.
74. I've learnt that when you are unhappy or angry with someone, let it be known. If
you do not vent your feelings, tension builds up within. Two things could happen.
Either you could get into an argument and get it out of your system or your
behavior will subconsciously reflect the anger.
75. I've observed that most women seldom reciprocate love immediately. They like to
be pursued, wooed with chocolates and roses before they warm up to you.
76. I've seen many a married man behaving very differently in the presence and
absence of their wives. There are others who are uncomfortable taking their
friends home. Both these behavioral patterns reflect on quality of the relationship
a person shares with his family.
hhhmmm...nkarelate ako ng bahagya...heheh! try to read every lines tpos kung saan kau nkarelate ng sobra mag reflect kau...grabe...emote mode...
asteeg jow ah!!! ilikeit! ;-)
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