Be respectful of other chatters.
Do not use race or religion to disrespect others.
Defamatory, vulgarity, libelous, hateful, pornographic, profane or obscene language is strictly prohibited. Using asterisks or other symbols in place of letters does not excuse anyone from using such words.
Defamatory, vulgarity, libelous, hateful, pornographic, profane or obscene language is strictly prohibited. Using asterisks or other symbols in place of letters does not excuse anyone from using such words.
Offensive and indecent user names are prohibited.
Impersonation of others or another chat participant is forbidden.
Harassment of another person online is not permitted.
Members cannot select names that are offensive in nature.
Joking and having fun are permitted provided that it does not interfere others' opinion.
No spamming the forum or chat room with advertisements of any type.
Conversation should be kept on Tagalog or English text, unless there is someone in the chatroom understands another language and does not violates the rules, then this too is allowed.
Artisanurse admins has the right to edit the chat transcript and remove text for any reason or for not reason at all.
Anyone who violates the above mentioned rules will:
First Offense- Receive a warning
Second Offense- Will put on silence
Third Offense- Ban may be implemented depending on the gravity of the offense.
Chatters who are seen repeatedly attempting to provoke chatters and admins, may be considered as violating the rules as well.
The rules, articles and appendices found on this site are subject to change without any further notices. Any modification may take effect immediately on being designed, not on them being added on the list.
The rules are to be considered the listing of what is allowed and partly what is not allowed.
Thanks to Bored for the ideas and David Wong (my assistant... lolz)!...;)
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